8th November 2023
By Emma Woods

6 common community nurse interview questions


When completing a community nurse interview, the potential employer will ask you a range of questions to determine your skill set, passions and what you can bring to the community nursing role. Most community nurse interviews will have core questions that come up time and time again, which can give you a good indication of what questions to prepare for and discussion points to cover in your upcoming nurse interview.

How to prepare for your community nurse interview 

Preparing for your community nurse interview can help you to feel confident on the day, which is one of the key qualities prospective employers will look for.

Let’s take a look at how to prepare for your community nurse interview:

Research your potential employer

Research is an important step to take when preparing for your interview. Understanding what the potential employer does is a key discussion point that will most likely come up in your community nurse interview.

When researching your potential employer, spend time looking at their company history, visions, values and the nurse job your applying for so you fully understand the role and responsibilities of a community nurse.

Plan and practise your answers

As the saying goes, practise makes perfect. To help you prepare for your upcoming community nurse interview, read through the most common community nurse interview questions below and write down your answers. Once you’ve done that, practise them with a family member or friend and ask for feedback. Getting another perspective can help you identify opportunities to improve your answers and even change things to help you have a more successful interview such as your body language and tone of voice.

Focus on your strengths

Working as a community nurse, you will have many strengths and skills you’ve attained during your nursing career. Before your community nurse interview, spend some time thinking of your skills and strengths and consider how these have positively impacted you and can support you throughout your nursing career. This exercise is a great opportunity for reflection and can help identify new opportunities to consider for your personal development.

Most common community nurse interview questions 

Now we’ve covered preparation tips for your interview, let’s look at the 6 most common community nurse interview questions.

1. Why do you want to work in community nursing?

Despite this question being broad, it gives employers a good indication as to why you want to begin working in the community or continue to excel in your current community nursing career.

If you’re already a community nurse, share your story with the interviewer on how you began working in the community and what you love about delivering community care. Try to mention some examples of the clients you’ve cared for and the impact you’ve made.

If you’re a registered nurse who has decided community nursing is the direction you wish to take, explain to the employer why you’re making the change, but remember to do this in a positive light. Consider mentioning the opportunities community nursing jobs provide and how you can build long-lasting and meaningful relationships with one to a few clients where you will become an integral part of their lives.

2. What skills and attributes do you believe a community nurse should possess?

Having an array of skills and attributes under your belt can help you to develop further in your career and even progress to a nurse managerial role like a clinical lead. When preparing your answers, note down skills and attributes you believe you could bring to the role. If you’re looking to develop your community nurse skillset, read our list of the top community nurse skills and qualities.

Top tip – after mentioning your current skills and attributes, explain to the employer you wish to improve your skills further and explain how you will do this if you were given the role of a community nurse.

3. What do you believe you could bring to this role?

This question gives you an opportunity to reflect on your nursing experience and showcase your passion and drive for delivering care in the community. When answering this question, refer back to the adult nurse or paediatric nurse job you’re applying for and explain how your nursing experience will support your new role if you were successful in the interview.

Depending on the role you’re applying for, if you’ve had any previous experiences that are similar to the role, explain them in your interview and how your previous experience can naturally translate into that nursing job.

4. What should you do when the client’s conditions declines?

This question will inform the potential employer of how you will handle a reactive situation and what you would do to manage the change in the client’s condition. In your answer, explain the steps you would take to manage this situation.

Top tip – consider using the STAR method when answering this question

  • Situation
  • Task
  • Action
  • Result
5. Why is conflict resolution important in community nursing?

Conflict resolution is an important skill for nurses to obtain and develop during their careers and can keep clients safe, encourage good time management and improve workplace culture.

When describing an example of conflict resolution, consider the steps you took to manage a previous conflicting situation, why you took those steps and what positive outcome they provided for you, your colleagues and the client. The STAR interview technique above could also work well when answering this question.

6. What is the importance of professional boundaries in a community nurse role?

This question will inform the employer of your ability to be a professional community nurse and the methods you would implement to maintain professional boundaries.

When answering this question, explain why you believe maintaining professional boundaries in a community nurse role is important how they can keep the client safe and stable in their home. Also, list a few examples of actions you have taken in previous roles to maintain professional boundaries.

Top tips for answering community nurse interview questions

Planning and practising your answers to the most common community nurse interview questions can help you to have a successful interview. But don’t forget to practise how you answer the interview questions. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Answer the questions honestly and professionally
  2. Speak clearly and change your tone throughout your answers to show your engagement and enthusiasm
  3. Don’t be afraid to discuss challenges you’ve faced during your nursing career and share how you overcame them and the positive impact they’ve had on your progression
  4. Don’t criticise previous employers or colleagues when answering questions
  5. Always give positive examples from your nursing career and discuss how they’ve helped you develop

If you have an upcoming community nurse interview with Thornbury Community Services, read our top nine nurse interview tips to help you prepare.

Discover our latest community nursing opportunities with Thornbury Community Services 

We’re always looking for dedicated community nurses to join our team to support us to deliver bespoke community care to more people. We recruit:

To apply for our community nurse jobs, select the relevant role from the list above or register with us today by completing the form below.

If you wish to speak to our Resourcing Recruitment Team directly, contact them via phone: 0333 323 3762 or email them using the button below.

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When completing a community nurse interview, the potential employer will ask you a range of questions to determine your skill set, passions and what…