CPD Training

Welcome to the training section of your Wellbeing and Support Hub. Here you can find a range of topical courses relating to your CPD and professional development.

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Anaphylaxis awareness

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to those who interact with clients with a spinal cord injury at the thoracic six (T6) level and above. This course provides: an overview to the common causes and immediate treatment of autonomic dysreflexia, how and why it occurs, and the action to take if the person you are caring for has an episode of autonomic dysreflexia.

There is no assessment for this course, but there are refresh questions throughout and completion is measured by progress.

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Autonomic dysreflexia

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to those who interact with clients with a spinal cord injury at the thoracic six (T6) level and above. This course provides: an overview to the common causes and immediate treatment of autonomic dysreflexia, how and why it occurs, and the action to take if the person you are caring for has an episode of autonomic dysreflexia.

There is no assessment for this course, but there are refresh questions throughout and completion is measured by progress.

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Bridging the gap – acute to community

CPD accredited course: 3 points

Relevant to healthcare professionals in a community setting. Transferring from caring in the acute setting to the community setting can be challenging both professionally and personally. This course has been designed to assist in bridging the gap – to help our staff to be aware of potential challenges and how to manage them, enabling our staff to give
effective care within the community setting.

This course covers: working environment, communication, medication management, consent, therapeutic relationships, conflict management, documentation, multi-disciplinary team involvement, responsibilities, risk assessment and cultural beliefs.

There is no assessment for this course and successful completion is measured by progress.

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Clinical governance

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to healthcare professionals in any sector. This course explains the system through which our organisation is accountable for monitoring and continuously improving the quality of our services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which clinical excellence can flourish.

The course comprises of: incidents, complaints, duty of candour, Datix, safeguarding adults, documentation, record keeping and information governance.

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Communication, complaints and relationships

CPD accredited course: 1.5 points

Relevant to those in any sector who interact with clients/service users. This course covers: communications, complaint handling and therapeutic relationships. In particular, understanding the different types of communication, how to prevent communication breakdown and respecting cultural differences; how to identify the types of complaints, responding in the first instance and how to prevent escalation; working within therapeutic boundaries, avoiding certain situations and spotting the signs of a deteriorating client relationship.

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Consequences of sleeping on duty

CPD accredited course: 1.5 points

Relevant to healthcare professionals in any sector, particularly those on waking night shifts. This course is designed to provide information on the importance of staying awake and alert at work. It comprises of: reducing the risk, staying awake and alert, the consequences, your responsibility,
helpful advice for your first night shift, other useful tips, strategies and case studies.

There is no assessment for this course and successful completion is measured by progress.

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Counter fraud

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to all Group employees in any sector. This course covers: the importance of countering fraud, different types of fraud and ‘red flags’, the fraud reporting process, different types of emerging risks, understanding and employing your responsibilities.

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COVID-19 Testing

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to all healthcare professionals in any sector. We have three entry level COVID-19 related courses available: COVID-19 Rapid onboarding, PPE (donning and doffing), and Swabbing.

Our PPE and COVID-19 Testing course is more in-depth and covers: Health and safety, fire safety, information governance, data protection and GDPR, infection prevention and control precautions, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), donning and doffing PPE, healthcare waste, safeguarding children, COVID-19 swab testing and interpreting results.

There is no assessment for this course but there are refresh questions throughout. Successful completion is measured by progress.

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CPD accredited course: 1.5 points

Relevant to all healthcare professionals in any sector. This course covers: best practice and legal requirements for record keeping and documentation; the importance of documentation, understanding what information needs to be documented, the guidelines for documentation and “do’s and don’ts” of documentation.

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Dementia awareness

CPD accredited course: 2.5 points

Relevant to those in any sector who interact with dementia clients/service users. This course covers: causes and types of dementia, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, medication, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, pain management, strategy, behaviours and communication.

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Epilepsy awareness

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to those who care for or interact with epileptic clients/service users. This course covers: types of seizures, treatment, common triggers, status epilepticus, rescue medication and an overview of administration.

There is no assessment for this course and successful completion is measured by progress.

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Fire safety

CPD accredited course: 1 point

Aligned with Core Skills Education and Training Framework (CSTF) standards.

Relevant to all Group employees in any sector. This course includes: how fires start, the fire triangle and the requirements for fire prevention; workplace procedures for fire precautions, firefighting equipment, means of escape and planning for an emergency.

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Food safety level two

CPD accredited course: 2.5 points

Relevant to all food handlers in any sector. This course covers: how to control food safety hazards; what food safety is and why is it so important to our organisation, causes of food poisoning and its control, different types of contamination hazards and how to control them; food handlers’ responsibility in relation to personal hygiene, safe design of food premises and equipment, dangers and control of pests, safe cleaning and disinfection, food safety law and enforcement.

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Enteral feeding

CPD accredited course: 2 points

Relevant to healthcare professionals who care for clients requiring enteral tube feeding. This course provides: an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract; indications for and potential complications of enteral feeding tubes; how to care, manage and monitor enteral feeding tubes, an overview of various enteral feeding tubes, infection control and your role in relation to policies and procedures.

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Information governance, data protection and GDPR

CPD accredited course: 1 point

Aligned with Core Skills Education and Training Framework (CSTF) standards.

Relevant to those in any sector who are required to share information including personal or sensitive data. This course covers: what information governance is and the underpinning legislation; risks associated with sharing information, Caldicott principles, Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), how to correctly handle confidential information and how to access associated Group policies.

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Learning disabilities level one

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to those in any sector who may interact with individuals who are affected by learning disabilities. For example, working in education, policing, health and social care, or manager/leader role in any organisation. This course covers: what a learning disability is, affecting legislation, policies and guidelines; types of learning disabilities, causes and importance of early identification, barriers, social model of disability, effective communication, promoting positive health and wellbeing, basic principles and practice in support, disability hate crime and how to report; working together to prevent abuse and neglect.

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Lone workers

CPD accredited course: 0.5 points

Relevant to all healthcare employees who work alone. This course covers: affecting legislation, health and safety at work, healthcare hazards, safety signs and signals, who are lone workers, procedures, occupational driving, managing violence and aggression, assessing the risk, recognising
and managing stress.

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Management of blood and blood products

CPD accredited course: 1 points

Relevant to all healthcare professionals in an acute setting. This course gives learners the knowledge to transfuse blood and blood products ensuring the consistency of quality and the overall safety of the blood management process.

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Management of sepsis

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to all healthcare professionals in an acute setting. This course provides learners with knowledge of sepsis; how to assess sepsis cases, how to manage sepsis, treatment and the categorising of sepsis risk.

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Medication management in an acute setting

CPD accredited course: 3.5 points

Relevant to registered nurses and midwives working in an acute environment. This course covers: practical and legislative essentials of the safe handling of medicines; categories and forms of medication, information on generic and branded drugs, receiving, storage and disposal of medicines; routes, calculating doses, blood and blood products, medical waste, capacity, covert administration, ‘rights’ of administration, electronic prescribing, discovering an error, Datix, reducing the risk, paediatric parameters, anaphylaxis, initial treatment, follow up treatment and MHRA yellow card scheme.

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Mental health awareness

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to all Group employees in any sector. This course covers: some of the causes and impacts of mental health conditions; how to identify key signs and symptoms of someone who is suffering from a mental health condition; how to support your colleagues and family and recognise when you may need support yourself.

There is no assessment for this course and successful completion is measured by progress.

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Motor neurone disease

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to healthcare professionals who care for or are in contact with clients with motor neurone disease. This course covers: motor neurone disease and its associated disabilities; signs and symptoms of motor neurone disease, the principles of maintaining client independence in relation to the activities of daily living, treatment and symptom control available for someone with motor neurone disease, employee roles in relation to policies and procedures.

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National Early Warning Score Two (NEWS2)

CPD accredited course: 1 point

Relevant to healthcare professionals who take and record adult patient observations/vital signs – this became mandatory for all acute setting nurses in October 2018. This course covers: the latest overview of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) as per December 2017 updates, NEWS2, developed by the Royal College of Physicians. It describes the benefits of NEWS2; lists the six physiological parameters, outlines how NEWS2 works, describes the scoring system and triggers, demonstrates the correct use of the NEWS2 and its clinical response; highlights the importance of patient safety and describes ways of improving communication/team work.

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NHS conflict resolution

CPD accredited course: 2 points

Aligned with Core Skills Education and Training Framework (CSTF) standards.

Relevant to all healthcare professionals in any sector. This course covers: common causes of conflict including clinically challenging behaviour; the different stages of conflict, developing strategies to reduce the opportunity for conflict in the future, how to reduce the likelihood of conflict, how to spot the signs and defuse an incident without the use of physical restraint.

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CPD accredited course: 1.5 points

Relevant to healthcare professionals in a clinical setting. This course covers: the importance of clinical observations, pulse, blood pressure, respiration rate, SP02 monitoring and temperature; factors affecting vital signs and ‘normal limits’.

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New-born life support

CPD accredited course: 1 point

Relevant to healthcare professionals in any setting. The purpose of this course is to understand the difference between resuscitation of adults, children and babies at birth, and how this provides us with a logical approach to resuscitation.

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Nutrition and hydration

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to healthcare professionals in any sector. This course covers nutrition and hydration, including: bad practice and vulnerable people, types of hazards, bacteria growth, temperature and precautions, requirements, guidelines and The Eatwell Plate, requirements and causes of dehydration, poor nutrition, malnutrition and poor hydration, understanding nutrition and hydration, difficulties, equipment, considerations, dignity and respect.

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Onboarding clinical training

CPD accredited course: 2 points

Relevant to registered nurses and midwives. This course covers: knowing your limitations and competence; evidence-based practice, continual professional development and the importance, nurse and midwife revalidation, duty of care, person-centred approach, consent, communication, privacy and dignity, fluids, nutrition and dementia awareness.

There is no assessment for this course and successful completion is measured by progress.

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Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to nurses and midwives trained outside the UK and European Economic Area (EEA). This course is Aligned with Royal Marsden procedure standards and UK Resuscitation Council guidelines. It covers: structure of the day, general advice, the basics, the assessors and how to access your results; patient-centred assessment, the six C’s, documenting, basic neurological assessment, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2); assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation; clinical skills, Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT), removal of urinary catheter, peak expiry flow rate, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection, in-hospital resuscitation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and communication tools.

There is no assessment for this course and successful completion is measured by progress.

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Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS)

CPD accredited course: 0.5 points

Relevant to paediatric healthcare professionals who take and record children and young patient observations/vital signs. This course will provide an overview of the Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS). It will also cover: the benefits of PEWS, how it is calculated, the PEWS system and triggers; demonstrating the correct use of the PEWS, its clinical response and what to do when a patient triggers a score.

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Phrenic nerve stimulator

CPD accredited course: 2 points

Relevant to healthcare professionals who care for clients/patients with spinal cord injuries. This course covers: the role of the phrenic nerve in relation to normal breathing; clinical conditions which may mean the client will benefit from phrenic pacing, an overview of the Astrostim unit and associated components, contraindications to phrenic nerve pacing, diaphragmatic fatigue and action to take if you notice indications of this in your client.

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Pressure area care

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to healthcare professionals in any sector. This course covers: prevention, management and care of pressure ulcers; skin and underlying tissues, how pressure ulcers occur and the necessary precautions to take to prevent them developing; recommendations for treating pressure ulcers,
reporting, policies and procedures.

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Prevention management of violence and aggression

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to all healthcare professionals in any sector. This course covers: affecting legislation, defining physical intervention, triggers, minimising the risk, reasonable force, the decision-making model, considerations, personal space, fight or flight, positional asphyxiation, restraint techniques, risk assessments, communication, warning signs and the principles of deescalation.

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Radicalisation awareness

CPD accredited course: 2.2 points

Relevant to those in any sector within healthcare. This course covers: the relevant legislation, an understanding of what radicalisation means, terminology, the relationship between extremism and terrorism and where to obtain support for those in danger of becoming radicalised.

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Safeguarding adult’s level three

CPD accredited course: 3 points

Relevant to those who will be working with or who are likely to come into contact with adults at risk. This course covers all safeguarding adult’s level two and: mental capacity and consent; mental capacity assessments, supreme court, the European court of human rights, application of authorisation, prevent, multiagency safeguarding procedures, concerns and enquiry, safeguarding plans and reviews, closing enquiries, MARAC, MASH and MAPPA; risk assessment panels, gathering and sharing information and risks to others.

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Suicide and self-harm prevention

CPD accredited course: 1 point

Relevant to all healthcare professionals in any sector. This course is aimed at supporting healthcare professionals to identify people they come into contact with, who may be at risk of suicide or self-injury and how to respond to the needs of this particular group.

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Tissue viability

There are no accredited CPD points for this course

Relevant to healthcare professionals in any sector. This course covers tissue viability, including: prevention, financial impact and the client; pressure ulcers defined, why and how ulcers occur, pressure area flow chart, risk assessment and risk factors, skin assessment, pressure ulcer assessment, testing the area, testing scales and The Braden Scale; The Waterlow Assessment, common sites for pressure ulcers, different shapes, necrosis, pressure ulcer grading, moisture
and humidity, prevention and equipment.

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Urinary catheterisation

CPD accredited course: 2 points

Relevant to healthcare professionals in an acute setting. This course covers: anatomy and physiology of the urinary system, reasons for catheterisation, the selection process, selection of a drainage system, catheter care, complications and infection control.

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