Access all the information you need in relation to your pay. From our handy timesheet guide to important payroll information.
Watch our easy step by step guide on how to complete your timesheet. Your TCS timesheet is unique to you, always complete your own timesheet to ensure we can process it and you’re paid on time. If you have any questions or are having issues submitting your timesheet, please read our FAQs section.
For guidance on using the Camscanner app, please refer to the Apple or Android Camscanner step-by-step guides below.
Our payroll team is set up to pay you on a weekly basis, there are 5 pay days per week. Payments are made Monday – Friday subject to the deadlines details below.
For any information on National Minimum Wage for nurses, support workers and healthcare assistants, please click the button below.
National Minimum WageTo claim SSP please send your sick notes to
Our current pensions provider is The Peoples Pension. You will be automatically opted in after 3 months of working with us due to government legislation. The Peoples Pension will contact you directly with a welcome pack via email, which contains your new joiner information. This will allow you to create an account.
Should you wish to opt out of this pension scheme, you can do so through your account. As long as you opt out of the pension scheme within four weeks of the first payment being deducted, you will receive a refund of any deductions that have been made.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Peoples Pension directly on 0300 2000 444.
Your timesheet is sent to you electronically and is unique to you.
You will need to use black ink and write in capitals when filling in your timesheet to ensure legibility.
You must not use any form of correction fluid on your timesheet.
One timesheet needs to be completed per week (Monday to Sunday).
If you are working with more than one client, you should complete a new timesheet for each client.
Your timesheet will need to be scanned, uploaded to your device (phone, computer or tablet) and sent to us via email as a black and white PDF. You can scan your timesheet using a free app called CamScanner which can be found on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. If you are sending travel receipts, these must be attached as an additional document to your email.
Your timesheet must be no bigger than 2MB.
If you do not receive an automated confirmation email when you send your timesheet, it has not been received.
If your timesheet has been rejected, you will need to check the following:
If you are claiming a cancelled shift, please complete the client reference number, date and shift time on your timesheet. Please leave the mileage/travel section blank if you did not make your way to the shift. In the notes box, please provide a brief statement to say the shift was cancelled and why.
Signatures from clients/relatives must always be attempted. If no one can sign your timesheet, please write ‘unable to sign’ in the ‘Authorised Client Signature’ box. If you are working with a client who stipulates the timesheet must be signed, you will need to take it back on your next shift to get it signed.
If you are still having issues with your timesheet, please contact: