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TNS/TCS Migration FAQs – HCAs

Starting your journey with TCS

We understand that transitioning to a new team can bring a lot of questions about what’s changing and what to expect. Rest assured, our goal is to make joining TCS as welcoming and seamless as possible.

Now that the transition to TCS has been completed, this page, alongside the support of our workforce engagement team is here to ensure you feel fully informed and confident as you settle in.

This page will answer some of your questions and provide helpful information about your onboarding with TCS. However, we understand you may have additional questions. If there’s anything you’re unsure about, you can request a call back by clicking the button below. Our dedicated Workforce Engagement team will then be in touch to provide the answers and support you need.

Request a call back with the TCS team

Welcome and support

On the 29th January you will have received a welcome email from us, which will include all the important details you need to get started smoothly.
You will also receive an induction call from our Workforce Engagement team who will guide you through a smooth transition to TCS. In their calls they will cover with you:

  • How to view shifts on our ipoint app.
  • Any questions on your timesheets and payroll process
  • How to access your ID badge
  • How to access Compass – our workforce support platform
  • Key CQC governance and induction information
  • How to contact any teams or people you need

No re-registration required

There is no need for you to re-register with TCS, your relevant TNS registration details have been automatically transferred to us. In the months following the transition, we will reach out to you to discuss your skills and experience to ensure we’re offering you shifts that you are most interested in.

Key induction and Care Quality Commission (CQC) information

As an Outstanding CQC care provider, it’s important you understand what you can expect from us and the expectations of you in your role. Please take some time to read our CQC induction and expectations document below. This sets out what our responsibilities are and the standards of governance we have to uphold, some of which you are responsible for.

Click here to read your induction and expectations

Key contacts for support

We want to ensure that you continue to have easy access to the support you need for both your hospital and community shifts.

Please see our key contacts guide below:

Community shifts

For all community shift queries, continue to contact the community bookings team on 0333 323 0331 or email mobilisation@thornburycommunity.com

Training (Regulation and compliance)

Phone: 01275 547 237

Payroll (Nurses and HCAs)

Email: payroll@thronburycommunityservices.co.uk

Acute shifts

For all acute shift queries, continue to contact the TNS duty desk team on 0345 120 5305.

Managing your shifts with TNS and TCS

As a healthcare professional who’s always on the move, we understand the importance of managing your shifts with ease. We’ve made sure that managing both acute and community shifts with TNS and TCS is as simple and efficient as possible.

Accessing Acute shifts with TNS:

You’ll continue using the Quick Nurse app to manage your availability and book shifts with TNS, just as you always have. This includes acute shifts in a variety of settings – hospitals, care homes, nursing homes, schools, and more.

Please note that Quick Nurse and iPoint are two separate apps, so be sure to keep both apps updated with your availability to avoid any scheduling conflicts.

Accessing Community shifts with TCS:

Just like TNS use QuickNurse, we have our shift viewing app – ipoint. You’ll be able to view shifts through ipoint, just as you currently do in QuickNurse, and call the same team as you usually do to book your community shifts.

To get started on viewing upcoming available community shifts with TCS, download our shift viewing app, ipoint. The app is available on both Google Play and the Apple App Store. Simply create an ipoint account using your same email address this email has been sent to.

For detailed instructions on how to download ipoint, click here.

Your pay: ensuring timely and accurate payments

We understand the importance of being paid correctly and on time. To ensure your pay is processed smoothly for both TNS and TCS shifts, here’s what you need to know:

Pay rates:

If you have already booked in community staffing shifts with Thornbury Nursing, these will proceed as normal up until the 24th February, honoring the same Thornbury Nursing community pay rates. For any shifts you start on the 24th February and onwards, pay rates will align with the following hours:


You will receive separate payslips for TNS and TCS shifts. Receiving multiple payments won’t affect your tax code, as all payments come from the same legal entity.

If you have any questions about your pay, please contact your usual Payroll team on 0345 120 5333.


At TCS, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to access all the information you need, at any time. Our dedicated online hub, Compass, points you in the right direction to all of our helpful guides and resources to support you throughout your journey with us. From finding out more on our company vision to guidance on completing your timesheet and help with CPD training, we’ve got you covered.

Click here to visit Compass

Your development

We’re committed to developing your skills and experience. Our Workforce Engagement Team will reach out to you personally to have discussions around your professional development in the upcoming weeks.


For the majority of your community-based shifts, you will not be required to wear a formal uniform, however you must ensure you dress appropriately in smart/casual clothing. There may be some instances where the client may ask you to wear a uniform. Always clarify the dress code when accepting your shift from the Community Team.

If there’s anything you’re unsure about, you can request a call back by clicking the button below. Our dedicated Workforce Engagement team will then be in touch to provide the answers and support you need.

Request a call back with the TCS team